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Lilith was formed on March 15th, 1998. The idea of that instrumental project (in a meantime) were born in the heads of two people: elMuz who was educated on radio programs of Jerzy Kordowicz in Polish Radio Program 3, and Przemo who was a huge fan of all kind of metal music. A confrontation of these two, such different music styles, aroused a desire to combine and unite, chill electronic music illustration - as a metaphor to all beauty and sweetness of a woman, and the cruelty and demonism enclosed in metal. A personification of woman demon - Lilith.

The band formers are:
     Aleksander elMuz Kubacki - synthesizers and sequencers programming
     Przemyslaw Poops Paterski - guitar, bass guitar [1998-2004]

On the beginning, it wasn't easy to get a perfect compromise, because not always a heavy metal riff fit into an electronic illustration, or the final result of that was far away from satisfaction. Much easier was to built a background to already existing heavy part. There was a few electronic compositions without any guitar part in it, and few another which actually created that background for the guitar line. The final result was named Rajski Ogród (The Garden of Eden) and it included ten songs mixed with electronic music pictures as an concept album.

In a middle of that year, the first female vocalist: joined the band
     Zofia Grzymała - vocal [1998-2000]

More intensive work made a possibility to finish Rajski Ogród till the end of that year. It was recorded in a homemade studio, and there is only one copy available these days. Unfortunately, the quality of that recording wasn't professional, so the result wasn't very impressive. Anyway, album met with very warm reception by those who had the chance to listen to it. That material is a compilation of a few pearls played on a live gigs these days. That'll be songs like: Noc (Night), Twierdza (Fortress), Przemijanie (Passing Away) or Szklana Kula (Glass Sphere).


The whole set of Rajski Ogród was played on the Lilith's first anniversary gig, and enthusiastic reaction of audience was an inspiration to continue that music journey. Because of the great pleasure flowing from creating that kind of music, in September 1999 another material called Światlo w Mroku (Light in the Darkness) was finished. The electronic illustrations and heavy rhythms were combined even better, than before, but the most important innovation was a sound of classical instruments used on that album. Symphonic music turned out to be the best compromise between those two music kinds. It was also a kind of inspiration to create that album, to find new dimension in experiments with the sound. The most known songs of that chapter would be: Miecz Nienawiści (The Sword of Hate), Dom z Kamieni (House of Stone), Gwiazdy i łzy (Stars and Teras), and one more, which actually is still played on the gigs Magiczny czarny krąg (Black, Magic Circle).


Zosia is leaving Lilith. The band starts to looking for different type of vocal, and for a full set of the musicians to play the gigs. Some are leaving the band, some new comes, to reach in a moment the number of 8 band members, but the final results wasn't exactly as expected... This refers also to female vocalists. Only one of them is truly worth to give a note about: that would be Beata Kubiak. She was coming every Sunday morning from Warsaw (where she lived) to get on time for a Lilith's practice. Till these days she's remembered and admired for her determination. Thanks to that cooperation the Again song was created. Unfortunately, it was never recorded, but still is played on the gigs from time to time. Beata left Lilith, and our beautiful country also, and Lilith left with hope that this material might sounds pretty well with those kind of vocal.

In a meantime, many of new songs were created, and by the end of that year another album called Lilith was finished. Two of the songs: Lilith and Ostatnie Łzy (Last Tears) helped making the band more popular.


This year is a first breakthrough, because the band situation's getting crystallized and two new people join Lilith:
     Agnieszka Stanisz - vocal
     Krzysztof Havoc Krupecki - guitar [2001 - 2004]

It's actually pretty quick when in homemade studio a demo material is made, which includes such songs as: Ostatnie Łzy, Krysztalowa Klatka (Crystal Cage), Noc and Woda (Water). This material didn't get any title. Song Ostatnie Łzy goes to Wirtualna Polska (Virtual Poland) alternative music MP3 zone, where stays on the first place of top list for many months, and gets 80 thousands downloads. Lilith gets many positive comments (there was a few very critical opinions to be fair), and calls the attention of Poznan radio station Afera. The band gets an invitation for an interview, and became unusual guest at Trashing Madness broadcast.


In that year, the decision about making a studio compilation of existing material, extended with latest compositions was taken. First studio album called Pierwsza Ewa (First Eve) included songs like: Noc, Przemijanie, Twierdza - [from Rajski Ogród 1998]; Gwiazdy i Łzy, Dom z kamieni, and Magiczny czarny krąg - [from Światło w mroku 1999]; Lilith, and W moim domu mieszka noc (In My House Lives the Night) - [from Lilith 2000]. This album was recorded with a second female voice - featuring Agata Giełda.

Limited edition of that album goes to Metal Hammer magazine, and gets there very positive and good comments. For the first time ever officially Lilith were classified as an gothic band.

In the Wirtualna Polska MP3 zone, Lilith were moved to the Gothic Metal section, and another surprising fact is, that song Noc is absolutely number one on download top list till this day [09.2008]. And the number of hearing and downloading of other our songs is close to half of a billion!


The beginning of 2003 is a time, when the new project of elMuz and Anton was born. There's an idea to create own festival. In march starts First Edition of Poznań Dark Festival with Lilith as a host. A great success of that festival cause a regular event, and became a possibility for a promotion of young bands.

Another immortal memory is the first open air gig for a couple of thousands people. The band was invited for the 7th pop-rock music competition in Bielawa. Just six of twenty one bands were classified to the final round. Lilith didn't won anything except lot of fun and great experience that time.

But the most important event of that year was, when the second guitarist joins the band.
     Łukasz Weiss - guitar

Łukasz gets himself implanted into the band very quickly, leaving his sign on the songs. Because the pressure of gigs was so huge, second edition of Poznan Dark Festival starts after couple of weeks, in December. It is two days event this time.


Suddenly, it has became clear and obvious that in our country there are two bands with the same name Lilith. Appearance of second Lilith from Radom was a bit shocking news, but an invitation for the 3rd edition of Poznan Dark Festival was politically correct.

Changes in the band are getting faster and it requires more members to realize latest music conceptions. In the spring time 2004 a new person joins Lilith, as a vocalist for now:
     Hubert Hubass Walczak - vocal, bass guitar

In a slow process a new songs like: Szeptem zaklinająca (With whisper Invoking) suite, Temptation, Nobody, and Szare krople dni (Grey Drops of the Days) take shapes. A new challenges and plans meets the band those days. All the changes and pressure are to big for Przemo and Krzysztof. They leave the band, successfully replaced by Hubass, who became bassist and vocalist, and Lukasz who's decisively taking control on the guitar.

Since the middle of 2004, in that new shape, Lilith concentrates on a very intensive work with the new material. Before the end of the year, band is playing lot of gigs. The most important one is Mayday Rock Festival, where Lilith became to be a winner, as one of 89 bands from Poland. The most important and prestige prize- first prize of public, and Miss Mayday Rock Festival. Another great success is an open air gig at Poznan Town Hall stairs. We've played Solidary with the Ukraine. A part of that show was transmitted live on Polish Television Channel 2.

Couple of weeks later Lilith enters the MNP studio, to record a trial version of first instrumental song for the new album Underworld, called Temptation.


Another festival. Only this time just 10 playing different music styles bands from whole over the country are qualified. In the Music Store Stage competition we're on the second place. People had a chance to see us again in television while we're playing Szare krople dni. After the show Universal Music Poland was interested with the band, but finally we didn't get the compromise.

In a meantime, shortly after the festival in march 2005 another guitarist joins the band:
     Michał Qra Kurek - guitar

Michal got familiar with the material within couple of weeks, but his being in Lilith was more like short episode. It was a bit disappointing for the band that he has to leave the country for a couple of months. Anyway hard work in the studio brings new songs on the Underworld album, and in the same time a new promo EP called Szeptem Zaklinająca (With Whisper Invoking) is ready. With the title song it includes Szare krople dni and Nobody.

Because of the studio Lilith couldn't concentrate on the gigs, but there were two occasions that couldn't be misted. First of them was Hard Hit in Eskulap club in Poznan, where Lilith was playing with bands like: Morion, Lebenssteuer, and Moonlight, and the second one in Spin club in Bydgoszcz on Abracadabra Gothic Tour 2005 with Closterkeller and Artrosis.


This year starts with Winter Tour 2006, with Chris May, mostly known as a guitarist of The Sisters of Mercy, who visit our country with his solo project called Robochrist. While the last gig played in Rotunda club in Kraków, Chris joined us on the stage and played Nobody, creating that way his part in our history…

Another surprise was that Michal came back to support the band on the tour, but after that he disappeared again.

The rest of a year we spent in studio, mixing and preparing Underworld album.


The Underworld album is at last published, labeled and distributed by Oskar Productions Poland.

We have more surprises in a first half of this year. After years of using drum machine and samplers Lilith is getting a live drummer:
    Agnieszka Matuszczak - drums

Now we can completely change the sound and what is most important, we can fully improvise on the stage. In the second half of 2007, Hubass is leaving the band, but in a short period he is replaced by:
     Juliusz Posern Zieliński - bass guitar


This year is another challenge for the band. First of all there is a lot of work with Juliusz, to get him familiar with most of the material, and secondly Lilith stars working on a new material temporary called Alter Ego. The most important event for Lilith that year is a 10th anniversary gig played in Poznań which by the way was sold out. We've played most material from the first till last album. Przemyslaw Paterski and Hubert Walczak joined us on the stage as an guests. It was great opportunity to meet the fans from whole over the Poland and an amazing surprise for us. We've concentrate on the gigs till the end of a year, but one of them is worth a notice.

It was one of our best gigs, played in Trojkat in Myslowice together with Artrosis. This event was organized absolutely professionally and recorded on DVD.


A new year beginning as usual with another surprise. Michal Kurek and Hubert Walczak are coming back to the band. Hubass just as a vocalist this time, and Michal not just only as a guitarist, but also as a background vocalist.

In this form we will try to conquer Your hearts with our music, which almost ready is waiting for recording session in studio. We hope that till the end of this year another album called Alter Ego will see the light of the night.

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